Here you find alle news that are written and aren't on the start page anymore. So here's the place when you look for a specific post.
MAILSolved v2.0.2 released
Written 23.12.2014 from Klement
The 2.0.2 release of MAILSolved has again some small bugfixes.
- * Bugfix: Fixed Captcha for the contact form
* Bugfix: Defined subject from the settings will be filled in for the Newsletter again
* Bugfix: Misc. PHP Notices fixed
* Bugfix: Fixed an issue with editing user group settings
SimpliVity OmniCube Nagios Plugin
Written 09.12.2014 from Klement
MAILSolved v2.0.1 released
Written 26.09.2014 from Klement
The 2.0.1 release of MAILSolved has some small bugfixes.
- * Bugfix: Fixed Captcha for the contact form
* Bugfix: Defined subject from the settings will be filled in for the Newsletter again
* Bugfix: Misc. PHP Notices fixed
* Bugfix: Fixed an issue with editing user group settings
MAILSolved v2.0 (formerly NLetter) released
Written 25.04.2014 from Klement
Our newsletter software NLetter has turned 10 years and is now available in version 2.0.Apart from a new name (NLetter is now called MAILSolved) and a fresh design there are some other changes that are listed below:
- + Product name changed from NLetter to MAILSolved
- + New design for admin center and newsletter form
- + Ajax newsletter form based on jQuery
- + New captcha system (Securimage)
- + jQuery replxed the old Xajax framwork
- + New database connector added (uses MySQLi by default)
- * Bugfix: Even with activated PHP error handling we fixed all notices and deprecated functions
- * Bugfix: Compatibility to recent PHP versions (> v5.3)
- * Bugfix: Error while importing a blacklist fixed
- * Bugfix: Fixed some other misc. bugs
- - Removed language pack for French, Danish and Dutch because we can't update these languages anymore
Nagios Plugin - Disk-Check
Written 21.04.2014 from Klement
We released a new Nagios plugin to monitor the free disk space on all disks of a Windows/Linux server. You don't need a check for every disk and just use this one check that'll return all available disks on the system.
The plugin has been release under GNU licence and you can download the plugin from GitHub or here.
New Website
Written 20.04.2014 from Klement
The website is now online. We have a new logo and a responsive design. You get the right view no matter if you have a smartphone, tablet or desktop.
We also plan to update our scripts in the near future.