
Here you find alle news that are written and aren't on the start page anymore. So here's the place when you look for a specific post.

Important Security-Update

Written 24.08.2011 from Klement

NLetter and NEWSolved have been released in a new version which fixes a security hole in the login process. It's recommend that you update your version.

NLetter v1.9.7

Written 25.01.2011 from Klement

The latest update of NLetter has the fallowing changes:
    + Replaced FCKEditor with the newer CKEditor (enhanced browser compatibility) + Altered layout for writing newsletters + New licence modell implemented (instant copyright unlock) + Sourced out some JavaScripts to JQuery + Saved templates and html templates are now unified * Fixed inserting place holders with the Internet Explorer * PHP5 compatibility improved * Some other bugfixes
To our customers: We have a new licence model. If the new licence key isn't already provided in our customer area, please write an email.

NEWSolved v1.1.7

Written 05.01.2011 from Klement

News currently available only in German.

Changed form of organization

Written 03.05.2010 from Klement

We changed our form of organization back to "small business" on may 1st.

NEWSolved Pro. and Lite joined

Written 08.06.2009 from Klement

We combined NEWSolved lite and pro. to one version with the power of the pro. version. Also we droped the costs for the copyright-free version to 49,00 EUR.

NLetter v1.9.6 - Revision

Written 13.05.2009 from Klement

The new NLetter version is packed with these changes:
    + Ajax login-mask + Link to the newsletter is now available as place holder + Choose a default group where the users are being put on subscribe + Double check for unsubscribe + All place holders are now selectable via drop down + Captcha-Field for the form to subscribe + Multiple addressers storable + Blacklist with domainlock * Fixed BR-Tag-Error with selected WYSIWYG editor, text e-mail and a signature with line breaks
Notice: The Multipart-eMail function has been disabled again in this version.
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