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MAILSolved v2.0 (formerly NLetter) released
Written 25.04.2014 from Klement
Our newsletter software NLetter has turned 10 years and is now available in version 2.0.Apart from a new name (NLetter is now called MAILSolved) and a fresh design there are some other changes that are listed below:
- + Product name changed from NLetter to MAILSolved
- + New design for admin center and newsletter form
- + Ajax newsletter form based on jQuery
- + New captcha system (Securimage)
- + jQuery replxed the old Xajax framwork
- + New database connector added (uses MySQLi by default)
- * Bugfix: Even with activated PHP error handling we fixed all notices and deprecated functions
- * Bugfix: Compatibility to recent PHP versions (> v5.3)
- * Bugfix: Error while importing a blacklist fixed
- * Bugfix: Fixed some other misc. bugs
- - Removed language pack for French, Danish and Dutch because we can't update these languages anymore