
The license conditions and how to purchase a license are illustrated below.

Aktuell werden keine neuen Lizenzen mehr verkauft, die kostenlose Version mit Copyrightinformationen steht aber weiterhin zur Verfügung. Möglicherweise wird in Zukunft auch wieder eine lizensierte Version angeboten.

License conditions

  • You are not allowed to remove or change the copyright nor making the it invisible. You are allowed to remove the copyright with a corresponding license, but not allowed to add your own copyright to the script.
  • You may not copy the source code or parts of them for using it for scripts other than the provided USOLVED script.
  • USOLVED is not responsible for the site's content on which the scripts are used. It is also forbidden to use our newsletter script MAILSolved to send spam e-mails.
  • The author / developer assumes no liability or guarantee for the offered scripts.
  • If you are using MAILSolved newsletter you have to inform your subscriber about the usage of the data in a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Die Scripte dürfen nur privat kostenlos eingesetzt werden solange das Copyright zu sehen ist. Gemeinnützigen Vereinen ist ebenfalls eine kostenlose Nutzung mit den gleichen Einschränkungen wie für Privatpersonen gestattet.
  • The scripts can be used for free for private purposes, as long as the copyright is visible. The same applies for nonprofit association. You need to purchase a license if you would like to use a script on commercial sites and are authorized to remove the copyright with a corresponding license. This applies for companies and profit-making individual persons.
  • A license is just per domain respectively a website when multiple domains are forwarding to the same website.
  • The scripts may not be published on any other sites for download.
  • It's not allowed to use our scripts on pornograpfic, violently, rightist extremist and in general on sites with illegal content.
  • We reserve the right to deny a licence purchase without giving reasons.
  • With downloading a script you agree to the license conditions.