Here you find alle news that are written and aren't on the start page anymore. So here's the place when you look for a specific post.
New Nagios plugin to check for failed Veeam backups
Written 08.03.2016 from Klement
A PowerShell script that checks for failed Veeam backups and can be called by Nagios/Icinga with NRPE. Download and informations on GitHub.
New Nagios plugin to check Barracuda VPN tunnel
Written 09.02.2016 from Klement
This Python Nagios/Icinga plugin checks the vpn tunnel state of Barracuda firewalls. If the vpn tunnel has the state down or disabled you'll be informed. Download and informations on GitHub.
BOOKSolved update package for v1.3.1
Written 08.02.2016 from Klement
Better late than never. The update package to upgrade your old BOOKSolved installation to the current version is now available. You can find the download here.
MAILSolved v3.2 released
Written 01.01.2016 from Klement
Here are the changes for the latest release:
- Support for automatic resume added (e.g. if the server timeout couldn't be controlled by the script)
- Default time for displaying the resume button decreased to 2 minutes
- Personalized place holder will be correctly translated in the newsletter browser view
- Template for newsletter browser view simplified
MAILSolved v3.1.1 Bugfix for dispatching issue
Written 17.10.2015 from Klement
There was a problem with several hosting providers in the current release of MAILSolved when dispatching a new newsletter job. This bugfix release fixes this issue on most cases.
If you still have this problem after updating to the latest version, contact us and tell us your hosting provider and PHP version.
- Fixed a problem where the newsletter job was hanging on 0/0. This was caused by a anonymous function not supported by every PHP version.
- If another group is set as default group the group called "default" won't be selected anymore on the newsletter form.
MAILSolved v3.1 released
Written 07.08.2015 from Klement
The latest release of MAILSolved has the fallowing changes:
- Define your own place holder like {COMPANY}, {ADDRESS}, etc.
- Filter subscriber with wildcards after initial letter
- Sort subscriber after last name, first name and registry date
- Different statistics for unique and overall clicks
- Opening time and eMail address will be saved for the statistics
- Better user interface for newsletter settings (replaced radio buttons by checkboxes)
- Define eMail format for notifications
- You can add a "Reply to" address for the sender address
- Time zone will be saved to config.php for PHP version higher than 5.2
- Updated to CKEditor version 4.5.1 and added text color plugin
- Second menu bar in the header for (Newsletter-Output, Licence management and Logout)
- Bugfix: PHP notice on resume
- Bugfix: Length of database field for IPv6
- Bugfix: Mailjobs are also running with HTTPS
- Bugfix: Ajax-Newsletter-Form is now also reacting to the key event "Enter"
- Bugfix: Campaign links are now encoded for servers that were throwing 403 errors