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MAILSolved v3.1 released
Written 07.08.2015 from Klement
The latest release of MAILSolved has the fallowing changes:
- Define your own place holder like {COMPANY}, {ADDRESS}, etc.
- Filter subscriber with wildcards after initial letter
- Sort subscriber after last name, first name and registry date
- Different statistics for unique and overall clicks
- Opening time and eMail address will be saved for the statistics
- Better user interface for newsletter settings (replaced radio buttons by checkboxes)
- Define eMail format for notifications
- You can add a "Reply to" address for the sender address
- Time zone will be saved to config.php for PHP version higher than 5.2
- Updated to CKEditor version 4.5.1 and added text color plugin
- Second menu bar in the header for (Newsletter-Output, Licence management and Logout)
- Bugfix: PHP notice on resume
- Bugfix: Length of database field for IPv6
- Bugfix: Mailjobs are also running with HTTPS
- Bugfix: Ajax-Newsletter-Form is now also reacting to the key event "Enter"
- Bugfix: Campaign links are now encoded for servers that were throwing 403 errors