Here you find alle news that are written and aren't on the start page anymore. So here's the place when you look for a specific post.
MAILSolved v3.3.4 released
Written 07.04.2018 from Klement
Because of the new EU-GDPR there's a new update for MAILSolved:
- Some updates for the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
- Time of the subscription will be saved
- Date and time will be saved after Opt-In
- IP address will be saved after Opt-In
- No output for Test-Newsletter in the archive
- You can ignore SSL certificate checks for local email tests
MAILSolved online documentation
Written 01.05.2017 from Klement
When MAILSolved was released in 2003 some people didn't have an internet flatrate. That's why I wanted to put all the necessary info into the ReadMe file for offline reading ;). Times have changed so I transferred the documentation and changelog to our website with just basic information in the ReadMe file.
This is also good if you like to get an idea of the installation before downloading the script. You can find the documentation here.
MAILSolved v3.3.3 released
Written 04.02.2017 from Klement
New version has been released with these changes:
- Compatible with MySQL v5.7
- Added "placeholder" attribute to the Ajax newsletter form template
- Bugfix: Groups will be saved correctly after saving a Newsletter template
- Bugfix: While editing user groups the labels will be shown instead of internal names
- Bugfix: Sort subscriber ascending and descending
MAILSolved v3.3.2 released
Written 07.01.2017 from Klement
Here are the changes for the latest release:
- Bugfix: There was a critical security issue in the PHPMailer library ( The package has been upgraded to v5.2.21.
- Bugfix: Timezone warning during the installation process
- Removed routine to deinstall script within the admin center
- Added logo image in higher resolution for retina displays
MAILSolved v3.3.1 released
Written 01.07.2016 from Klement
Here are the changes for the latest release:
- Bugfix: Dispatching mails is working again on servers where the progress bar stopped by 0/0
MAILSolved v3.3 released
Written 04.04.2016 from Klement
Here are the changes for the latest release:
- Different CSS classes for success/error in the ajax form for subscription
- Included the most recent PHPMailer library
- You can add company name and customer number to your subscribers (also possible with the CSV import)
- Bugfix: Your subscriber can edit multiple groups again
- Bugfix: If English was die default language in the installation, the default settings were not created