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MAILSolved v3.0 released

Written 22.04.2015 from Klement

With more than 30 new features this is the biggest update of MAILSolved. Statistics, campaigns, external email relay, media browser, simplified user interface and new design are just a few features. Visit this page for some impressions. Here's the complete changelog:
    New Features: - New design for admin area - Start newsletter campaigns with link tracking - Stats and chart for campaigns regarding link clicks and opening rates of the newsletter - Stats and charts to track the numbers of new subscriber - If you have acticated gender selection you now have stats of the gender ratio - Choose interal php mail function or an external smtp server - Unsubscribed eMails will now be saved and shown in the stats - Unsubscribed users get an eMail as confirmation - You can now check out your smtp settings in the admin area - If you don't use the WYSIQYG editor you'll get an html preview without reloading the page - Number of subscriber will be displayed if you prepare for a new newsletter - Completely new form to compose a newsletter - No reload of the page when you change something - You can now upload files with drag & drop - New file browser which automatically differs between images and links when inserting them to the newslettter message - No different filebrowser for attachments and content to embed - More stability when adding attachments - Saving drafts will now remember all settings you've taken - Count click rates individually per newsletter - Preview of the html template - Sex of the subscriber will be displayed in the overview - A missing title will be recognized and you can choose an extra place holder - Add images to the newsletter as CID image without needing to refer to that image with an external link - place holder for links can now be also used for images and not just text links - Set subject of activation eMail, welcome eMail and unsubscribe eMail in the admin area - First steps help on start page if no newsletters were sent so far Improvements: - Choose registration date of the subscriber filter without single fields for year, month and day - Edit subsriber and blacklist entries without popups - Check if PHP sockets are available before the installation - Improved filter for subsriber. Search for groups and names. - Updated WYSIWYG CKEditor to latest version and changed template to Bootstrap - You are free of the choice for the font family for the newsletter form output - Colored icons for activated notifications - Small changes to the newsletter form regarding CSS styles and notification in the ajax form - Improved code base Bugs fixed: - Some UTF-8 fixes - Font settings will be recognized for buttons and notifications in the newsletter form - Draft names with spaces and special characters are working now - Fixes resumed newsletters when using groups - Special characters before or after an eMail address will be removed when importing or exporting them - Fixed session name warning when dispatching a newsletter - Alternative message is working again for eMail clients which can't display html eMails - You can't choose the pre defined group "Standart" for importing new eMails - The pre defined group "Standard" won't show up as a normal group - Group names for admin accounts now have labels Removed: - The old method of dispatching a newsletter has been removed. You are now forced to use the new version with the live progress bar. - JavaScript popup notifiactions for the newsletter form checks - Contact form feature